[ 1 ] Morning Prayer [11] I Heard the Robin Singing (1John5:15)
[ 2 ] Evening Prayer [12] First, Love (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
[ 3 ] MEDITATIONS UPON THE PSALMS… Psalm 102:27 [13] Children of God (2John3:2)
[ 4 ] MEDITATIONS UPON THE PSALMS… Psalm 144:9 [14] Teach Us to Pray (Luke11:1)
[ 5 ] MEDITATIONS UPON THE PSALMS… Psalm 51:8 [15] Amazing! Grace…
[ 6 ] MEDITATIONS UPON THE PSALMS… Psalm 69:4 [16] The Mystery of Life (Acts1:17, 19)
[ 7 ] The Diamond (Acts 26:22) [17] In Remembrance (Deuteronomy11:18-19)
[ 8 ] Prayer for Awareness [18] Whatsoever You Do (Lamentations3:49-50)
[ 9 ] Prayer for Friends [19] Of A Morning
[10] The Storm At Sea (Luke 8:25)
[20] When Tomorrow Starts Without Me
[21] Prayer in Time of Great Need
[ 2 ] Evening Prayer [12] First, Love (Ecclesiastes 3:11)
[ 3 ] MEDITATIONS UPON THE PSALMS… Psalm 102:27 [13] Children of God (2John3:2)
[ 4 ] MEDITATIONS UPON THE PSALMS… Psalm 144:9 [14] Teach Us to Pray (Luke11:1)
[ 5 ] MEDITATIONS UPON THE PSALMS… Psalm 51:8 [15] Amazing! Grace…
[ 6 ] MEDITATIONS UPON THE PSALMS… Psalm 69:4 [16] The Mystery of Life (Acts1:17, 19)
[ 7 ] The Diamond (Acts 26:22) [17] In Remembrance (Deuteronomy11:18-19)
[ 8 ] Prayer for Awareness [18] Whatsoever You Do (Lamentations3:49-50)
[ 9 ] Prayer for Friends [19] Of A Morning
[10] The Storm At Sea (Luke 8:25)
[20] When Tomorrow Starts Without Me
[21] Prayer in Time of Great Need
[ 1 ]
Morning Prayer
Almighty Creator, this day comes before me with all its possibilities, as unique to me as I am to You. I will make the most of it, remembering that You love me and are never more than a heartbeat away. Grant that I may enjoy the surprises, cope with the unexpected, and trust in You when things do not work out the way that I expect. I hope to do the best I can with Your gift of this day. Amen.
[ 2 ]
Evening Prayer
God of heaven and earth, thank you for the gift of this day. I tried to live it well. If I was unable to strike a balance between work, play and rest, I will strive to do better tomorrow. I will try to set realistic goals, change what I can if I must, and otherwise trust that You direct the course of events that I cannot change. I place my faith in You. Thank You for the blessings of family, friends, and for the angels that guard us by day and by night. I give You all my cares as I now take my rest. Might as well. I know that You’ll be up all night anyway. Amen.
God of heaven and earth, thank you for the gift of this day. I tried to live it well. If I was unable to strike a balance between work, play and rest, I will strive to do better tomorrow. I will try to set realistic goals, change what I can if I must, and otherwise trust that You direct the course of events that I cannot change. I place my faith in You. Thank You for the blessings of family, friends, and for the angels that guard us by day and by night. I give You all my cares as I now take my rest. Might as well. I know that You’ll be up all night anyway. Amen.
Meditations upon the Psalms...
[ 3 ]
"Like clothing you change them, and they are changed..." [Psalm 102:27]
Creator God, you take the threads of my deepest concerns to weave with the brilliant filaments of Your Love, and the fabric of this day becomes sheer joy. I can see my way clear to tomorrow, for You see me through today. I close my eyes and feel the beautiful moments slip over me. They brush softly against my heart and tickle my face to a smile. It is then I know that nothing can come over me but what You have designed.
Creator God, you take the threads of my deepest concerns to weave with the brilliant filaments of Your Love, and the fabric of this day becomes sheer joy. I can see my way clear to tomorrow, for You see me through today. I close my eyes and feel the beautiful moments slip over me. They brush softly against my heart and tickle my face to a smile. It is then I know that nothing can come over me but what You have designed.
[ 4 ]
"O God, I will sing a new song to You..."
[Psalm 144:9]
Heavenly God, let me always come to You with the same intensity I have a flair for doing when trouble visits me. Thank you for the sunny day I can handle on my own. Thank you for this iridescent drop of Life, for all the colors of Your love when the Spirit of Your light is shining through me.
[Psalm 144:9]
Heavenly God, let me always come to You with the same intensity I have a flair for doing when trouble visits me. Thank you for the sunny day I can handle on my own. Thank you for this iridescent drop of Life, for all the colors of Your love when the Spirit of Your light is shining through me.
[ 5 ]
"... You are pleased with sincerity of heart, and in my inmost being You teach me wisdom." [Psalm 51:8]
I am not much to speak of the Love that does transcend, yet it is good to hear the murmur of the heart. Look into my eyes, great God, and see the poetry my voice cannot convey. Be patient with me while I learn the words You wish I'd say.
[ 6 ]
"... my eyes have failed with looking for my God."
[Psalm 69:4]
Is it any wonder, Lord, that as we grow old, You begin to clear our minds?
Long do we endure the great and small moments of our lives.
So much to bear on shoulders stooped with time.
We see their faces changing and know You take great care
To put the shadows in their eyes to soften up the glare
Of all that seeing clearly now would be too much to bear.
Now, mingled past and present, knowingly we smile.
Grateful they are able to remember for awhile.
Shaken by the frailty and weakened at the loss
Of all the strength that held a child in safety at all cost,
We struggle to defend the very children they've become.
All the dreams that we believe they failed to realize are written in the future - right before our eyes.
Life is the gift given us that we may bring light and warmth to one another - a candle consumed by the passion of the flame unto it's barest glow. Then does the Hand of God reach out to slip the flame from a life well spent. In that moment, when the wisp ascends, it points our way.
[Psalm 69:4]
Is it any wonder, Lord, that as we grow old, You begin to clear our minds?
Long do we endure the great and small moments of our lives.
So much to bear on shoulders stooped with time.
We see their faces changing and know You take great care
To put the shadows in their eyes to soften up the glare
Of all that seeing clearly now would be too much to bear.
Now, mingled past and present, knowingly we smile.
Grateful they are able to remember for awhile.
Shaken by the frailty and weakened at the loss
Of all the strength that held a child in safety at all cost,
We struggle to defend the very children they've become.
All the dreams that we believe they failed to realize are written in the future - right before our eyes.
Life is the gift given us that we may bring light and warmth to one another - a candle consumed by the passion of the flame unto it's barest glow. Then does the Hand of God reach out to slip the flame from a life well spent. In that moment, when the wisp ascends, it points our way.
[ 7 ]
"But I have had God's help to this very day, so I stand here and testify to small and great alike." [Acts26:22]
God of Love, when I carry the weight of the world and think the pressure too great, hold out Your hand and show me that I am Your diamond; sparkling, bright and clear enough to reflect the beauty You created here. When my heart's firelight is a barely warm coal, blow me the kiss of another's smile - again that I may glow.
Lift me to Your light once more. Help me endure the imperfection of the moment that I am set upon, and grant that I may remember -- a diamond is forever. Amen.
God of Love, when I carry the weight of the world and think the pressure too great, hold out Your hand and show me that I am Your diamond; sparkling, bright and clear enough to reflect the beauty You created here. When my heart's firelight is a barely warm coal, blow me the kiss of another's smile - again that I may glow.
Lift me to Your light once more. Help me endure the imperfection of the moment that I am set upon, and grant that I may remember -- a diamond is forever. Amen.
[ 8 ]
Prayer for Awareness
The moon flashed a smile but we walk on by.
Staring straight ahead, we never see the sky.
The eyes of the night wink admiringly.
The wind sighs sweetly in a gentle breeze.
Clouds behold the moment when tears well up to fall upon the face of the Earth,
Conceiving of the rainbow's birth.
We walk on undisturbed.
Good Lord, are we born blind? Are we so bold as to deny the need to know the quiet beauty of Your love?
Why do You wait to touch these eyes - embrace the child who will not cry?
Won't You draw a breath and, in the sigh, compose and send the moment of release -
Of sunset yielding to the deep, dark mystery of night ?
And wake us... wake us... to the light of Your love.
[ 9 ]
Prayer for Friends
Gracious Lord, I marvel at the blessing of the good people whose paths are crossed with mine. I am changed forever because of them. In the company of those with whom we journey, we may come to some understanding of Your great love for us - for we all are the children of God. May my mind be open to the wisdom of those who share their lives with me. May my heart always return the unfailing love they give to me.
Gracious Lord, I marvel at the blessing of the good people whose paths are crossed with mine. I am changed forever because of them. In the company of those with whom we journey, we may come to some understanding of Your great love for us - for we all are the children of God. May my mind be open to the wisdom of those who share their lives with me. May my heart always return the unfailing love they give to me.
[ 10 ]
“…and He asked them, “Where is your faith?” [Luke 8:25]
The Storm at Sea
Lord, rescue me from the extremes… the desert and the sea.
Long have I journeyed to realize the vision of my life - my dreams.
I scarcely understand the cost of sandcastles that have been lost in my mind’s tempest. Tossed about in swells so high, I could not see where earth met sky. From the depths, I cried.
There’s illusion in pretending, in regret so unrelenting; the contest ending when the fabric of the heart is torn, worn in weathering the storms of such confusion. Waking on an unknown shore, “Search for me!” my soul implored and stirred to face the wind once more. The sands of time erase my halting steps along the way. Thy great and Holy Spirit guides my journey from this day.
The Storm at Sea
Lord, rescue me from the extremes… the desert and the sea.
Long have I journeyed to realize the vision of my life - my dreams.
I scarcely understand the cost of sandcastles that have been lost in my mind’s tempest. Tossed about in swells so high, I could not see where earth met sky. From the depths, I cried.
There’s illusion in pretending, in regret so unrelenting; the contest ending when the fabric of the heart is torn, worn in weathering the storms of such confusion. Waking on an unknown shore, “Search for me!” my soul implored and stirred to face the wind once more. The sands of time erase my halting steps along the way. Thy great and Holy Spirit guides my journey from this day.
[ 11 ]
“And if we know He hears us in regard to whatever we ask, we know that what we have asked Him for is ours.” [1John 5:15]
I Heard The Robin Singing . . .
Though the morning rain had soaked him and storm clouds hid the truth of sunlight far above the trees, I heard the robin singing. I heard him challenge the misery of the moment overcome by the anguished sky, and the fury in the voice of the wind that cried for an end to the suffering day.
Lord, hear my voice, I pray.
Bring Your holy power to bear on all that seeks to strike the poison of defeat into a fragile state of mind. Hear my cry in the silence here; in the corner of the bottom of my heart, where I huddle while the shadow of despair looms large in a blinding flash of fear that won’t depart.
Look into these trusting eyes that; as a child, believe that You alone know what to do, that You’ll take care of me. Touch Your frightened child with Your gentle healing hands, and put the song back in my heart that I may sing again.
[ 12 ]
“He has made everything appropriate to its time, and has put the timeless into our hearts, without our ever discovering, from beginning to end, the work which God has done.” [Ecclesiastes 3:11]
First, Love. . . .
God, grant that I may never forget Your unconditional love for me. As we love our children for the incomparable miracle each one is, You love me. You love me no less though I am stubborn or unable to understand what it is You see in me. You love me no less though I fail to appreciate the gift of a snowflake, the smile of another face, the smallest details of my life.
You filled me with muscle, brain and heart that I might move in the world. When I stumble, wipe away my tears. You know in time, I’ll learn that You inspired me with Love - so that each time I feel it, seek it, share it, I will remember how You feel about me. Amen.
[ 13 ]
“. . . we are the children of God, and it has not yet appeared what we shall be. . . [2John 3:2]
The Children of God
Lord of All, I believe that good can come from all situations. When there are difficult moments, I know that You have given me the intelligence and strength I need to manage them. I will put my talent and resources to work. You have given me an uniquely individual potential in this life. I will strive to live humbly, resisting any urge to compare myself with others -- for each of us is one-of-a-kind.
Lord, You fill the universe with suns to set the record of Your days, and keep Infinity to watch and wait. You have all the time in the world.
Father of Inception, Creator of All and all unknown... Spirit of Conception, grant that I may know:
What do You make of me, the child of ancient Earth and bone? In all Eternity, what do You hope of me alone?
[ 14 ]
Lord, teach us to pray . . ." [Luke 11:1]
Teach us again, Lord . . .
to praise the Father who awaits us.
We have our Father’s eyes.
We are His vision.
Teach us again. . .
to open all our senses;
our mouths, our eyes, our hearts
to impart the love of the Father
inspired in us to fulfill one another.
Teach us . . .
to give the only thing we have reserved,
for only then will we be given that
which is beyond our grasp.
Give us this day . . .
to embrace one another; the restless,
the abandoned, the afflicted
and behold the Kingdom of God.
[ 15 ]
Amazing! Grace . . .
“. . . a son, given the name Jesus. . . [Matthew 1:21]
Christ Child, what did you want to be when you grew
Up until the time You knew that Father worked not only wood but galaxies afar?
“. . Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven. . . and let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and year.” [Genesis 1:14]
Stars of wonder, stars of night;
Sparks that fell from Perfect Light,
When the universe began.
Embers for the soul of man.
“. . And if the light in you is darkness, how great will the darkness be!” [Matthew 6:23]
The soul recalls Infinity, where peace and love abound.
On the other side of darkness, the next world may be found.
“The promise is for you . . . for all whom the Lord our God will call.” [Acts 2:39]
God whispers and a breeze breaks the stillness; a moment to close your eyes and simply breathe. How that breath sustains the soul when life seeks to stifle! How much more we seek to catch the Wind that is the source of such whispering.
Christ Child, what did you want to be when you grew
Up until the time You knew that Father worked not only wood but galaxies afar?
“. . Let there be lights in the firmament of heaven. . . and let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and year.” [Genesis 1:14]
Stars of wonder, stars of night;
Sparks that fell from Perfect Light,
When the universe began.
Embers for the soul of man.
“. . And if the light in you is darkness, how great will the darkness be!” [Matthew 6:23]
The soul recalls Infinity, where peace and love abound.
On the other side of darkness, the next world may be found.
“The promise is for you . . . for all whom the Lord our God will call.” [Acts 2:39]
God whispers and a breeze breaks the stillness; a moment to close your eyes and simply breathe. How that breath sustains the soul when life seeks to stifle! How much more we seek to catch the Wind that is the source of such whispering.
[ 16 ]
“. . . your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams. . . and I will work wonders in the heavens.” [Acts 1:17, 19]
The Mystery of Life
I know the child in the shadows, gazing up at Your heavenly sky.
Imagining that someday into starlight he would fly.
In a whisper, hear him speak of the time I shall not see
Until You write the next verse, life will a mystery be.
When You lift my spirit, Lord of Life, will I hold the memory
Of all that once was written in the pages of my history?
In that moment when my soul is stirred from slumber in the chamber of my heart,
Will I carry still all those dreams I'd fashioned from the start?
Will all that I remember be forgotten when I wake?
Will I recall the story, when You have turned the page?
[ 17 ]
“Therefore, take these words into your heart and soul. . .
teach them to your children. . “ [Deuteronomy 11:18-19]
In Remembrance
How can we live without You, Lord, borne to be our Light?
How often shall we wander in the darkness of the night,
Where dreamers wake to ponder the nature of Your life?
How do You satisfy the hearts that will not take their form
For centuries beyond the way of life on Earth You found?
The power of Your goodness would show us how to care.
In the single blink of a timeless eye, Your vision did prepare
A table that we’d come to see the common need we share.
Blessing bread, You broke it and passed it to the next;
Recognizing each of them, looked to their hearts and said,
“This is My Body – one and all - you are My hands, My heart.
Now does My life pass on to you and you must do your part.
Take this cup and drink of it. In doing so, take care
To see that no one ever thirsts while you have life to share.
See the family of Man; your brother and his wife,
The widow, child, stranger, friend – for all, I give you life.
Come, poor in spirit, hear Me and follow where I lead.
All I’ve ever asked of you is to remember Me."
teach them to your children. . “ [Deuteronomy 11:18-19]
In Remembrance
How can we live without You, Lord, borne to be our Light?
How often shall we wander in the darkness of the night,
Where dreamers wake to ponder the nature of Your life?
How do You satisfy the hearts that will not take their form
For centuries beyond the way of life on Earth You found?
The power of Your goodness would show us how to care.
In the single blink of a timeless eye, Your vision did prepare
A table that we’d come to see the common need we share.
Blessing bread, You broke it and passed it to the next;
Recognizing each of them, looked to their hearts and said,
“This is My Body – one and all - you are My hands, My heart.
Now does My life pass on to you and you must do your part.
Take this cup and drink of it. In doing so, take care
To see that no one ever thirsts while you have life to share.
See the family of Man; your brother and his wife,
The widow, child, stranger, friend – for all, I give you life.
Come, poor in spirit, hear Me and follow where I lead.
All I’ve ever asked of you is to remember Me."
[ 18 ]
“My eyes flow without ceasing. There is no respite 'til the Lord of heaven looks down and sees.” [Lamentations 3:49-50]
Whatsoever You Do (A Prayer for the Homeless)
I do not have great wisdom, Lord,
though surely I have come
upon the possibility my days may be well done.
Nightfall comes upon us with its gentle gift of rest.
Can I close my eyes to You -know I’ve done my best?
I hurry safe in starlight.
The wind suggests, "Go home."
My hands are getting cold, and I am not alone.
The air is damp with weeping and I wipe away
the sight of weary strangers
huddled in the shadows of a streetlamp.
There are no clouds to cover them this night.
Why have they been abandoned, Lord? I cannot see Your face.
Is it just that I imagine this a God-forsaken place?
“There is no stranger in My land, I call you each by name.
You are My answer to the prayer.”
I hear Your voice explain.
But I am tired and weary, Lord, I simply long for home.
A star dropped from His eye. He sighed, “You are not alone.”
Whatsoever You Do (A Prayer for the Homeless)
I do not have great wisdom, Lord,
though surely I have come
upon the possibility my days may be well done.
Nightfall comes upon us with its gentle gift of rest.
Can I close my eyes to You -know I’ve done my best?
I hurry safe in starlight.
The wind suggests, "Go home."
My hands are getting cold, and I am not alone.
The air is damp with weeping and I wipe away
the sight of weary strangers
huddled in the shadows of a streetlamp.
There are no clouds to cover them this night.
Why have they been abandoned, Lord? I cannot see Your face.
Is it just that I imagine this a God-forsaken place?
“There is no stranger in My land, I call you each by name.
You are My answer to the prayer.”
I hear Your voice explain.
But I am tired and weary, Lord, I simply long for home.
A star dropped from His eye. He sighed, “You are not alone.”
[ 19 ]
Rainy days come no matter how much we wish for sunshine. "It takes some rain to make a rainbow." Today's disappointment will pass in the night as surely as the sun will rise.
Of A Morning. . .
She rises; blinking morning dew from her waking eyes, ready to fulfill the promise of a new summer's day, but grey clouds gather and the wind blows a low yet rising chorus of thunder across the hazy sky.
Mourning doves challenge each other for a share of breakfast seed while roses dance and leave their scent upon the breeze. The wind begins a new movement. She pales, frightened by the approaching storm. White mountains of clouds rise up to meet the challenge of the darkening horizon. Thunder growls in reproach and she is championed by those pure white towers, returning with new courage until; seeing that the doves have not been so brave, once again slips away behind the clouds.
The trees are stirred to speak for the unsettled wind. Their whispering anticipates the change. She appears once more to argue her position in the day until the thunderclaps jeer with crackling laughter and she has no choice but to surrender to the enveloping grey. The sky; witnessing such sad struggle for one summer's day, can no longer bear to hold back its tears. The rain comes.
It's okay to feel bad about circumstances that spoil our plans for the day, as long as we remember to "let it go" with the morning light. Give your heart and soul to the promise of each brand new day.
When tomorrow starts without me...
When tomorrow starts without me and I'm not there to see...
If the sun should rise to find your eyes are filled with tears for me,
I wish so much you wouldn't cry for the way you feel today,
Thinking of the many things we didn't get to say.
I've always known you love me - as much as I love you.
I know each time you think of me, we'll miss each other, too.
When tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand
My days upon this earth are done - mortal is each man.
When tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart.
Every time you think of me, I'm right there - in your heart. ~Author Unknown
Prayer in time of great need...
Save me, O Lord! I am worn out from calling for help.
My life is a whisper. My voice is gone. I have strained my eyes
searching for You, and now I can see nothing but darkness through my tears. I am lost and alone. Find me in time, Lord. Answer me while I still have the will to hear.
Turn to me, Heavenly Father. See what has become of me.
Do not let this evil overpower me. I am Your child, in great trouble and so afraid. Bring Your holy power to destroy what seeks to destroy me. Answer my prayer. My heart is breaking in such despair - the heart You made in me. I have hoped for comfort and found none. You are God, my Defender and Protector. I trust in You alone to save me from the torment that reaches for me in the darkness, from the terror that rises at dawn. Lift me from the clutches of this misery. Save me from harm. Restore my strength. Heal me, O Lord.
Where will such help come if not from You?
From the depths of my despair, I call to You, my God. Hear Your child's cry.
Listen to my plea. Forgive my doubt. Pardon my great and uncontrollable fear.
I ask for my life; for myself, for all whom I love, and for those that You
have trusted to my care. Place Your healing hands upon me, Heavenly Father,
in the name of Your son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
~in Memory of Nancy Ellen Shedor, R.N. - November 27, 1952 to June 9, 1993
My life is a whisper. My voice is gone. I have strained my eyes
searching for You, and now I can see nothing but darkness through my tears. I am lost and alone. Find me in time, Lord. Answer me while I still have the will to hear.
Turn to me, Heavenly Father. See what has become of me.
Do not let this evil overpower me. I am Your child, in great trouble and so afraid. Bring Your holy power to destroy what seeks to destroy me. Answer my prayer. My heart is breaking in such despair - the heart You made in me. I have hoped for comfort and found none. You are God, my Defender and Protector. I trust in You alone to save me from the torment that reaches for me in the darkness, from the terror that rises at dawn. Lift me from the clutches of this misery. Save me from harm. Restore my strength. Heal me, O Lord.
Where will such help come if not from You?
From the depths of my despair, I call to You, my God. Hear Your child's cry.
Listen to my plea. Forgive my doubt. Pardon my great and uncontrollable fear.
I ask for my life; for myself, for all whom I love, and for those that You
have trusted to my care. Place Your healing hands upon me, Heavenly Father,
in the name of Your son, our Lord, Jesus Christ.
~in Memory of Nancy Ellen Shedor, R.N. - November 27, 1952 to June 9, 1993